Officers and employees shall not direct bribery through third parties such as agents, consultants, distributors, or subcontractors, nor tolerate or condone such third parties giving bribery.
The Company shall appropriately manage entertainment, gifts, travel expenses, donations, support or sponsorship with Public Officials, and Business Partners, Etc. that are lawfully provided for legitimate business purposes, in accordance with the related rules and regulations.
The Company shall seek approval from the directors with respect to entertainment or gifts to Public Officials, political donations, and political funds, and shall operate with special care.
In order to ensure compliance with this Policy, the Company shall establish internal reporting desks to which Officers and employees can report general compliance issues, including Aanti-Corruption.
In the event that any violation or potential violation of the relevant rules is discovered, the Company shall conduct a rigorous internal investigation and fully cooperate with any investigation by the relevant authorities, etc.
Officers and employees who violate related rules and regulations may be subject to personal liability and will be subject to strict disciplinary actions in accordance with the internal regulations of the Company to which they belong or their employment/delegation contract.